Class TableTaskAttemptContext

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    JobContext, MRJobConfig, TaskAttemptContext, Progressable

    public class TableTaskAttemptContext
    extends Object
    implements TaskAttemptContext
    Concrete implementation of Hadoop TaskAttemptContext interface. When initializing a YARN based (MapReduce version 2) RecordReader, an instance of TaskAttemptContext must be specified. This class is intended to satisfy that requirement. Note that the RecordReader provided for Hadoop integration is YARN based, whereas the Hive infrastructure requires a RecordReader based on version 1 MapReduce. To address this incompatibility when integrating with HIVE, a version 1 based RecordReader is used, but wraps and delegates to a version 2 RecordReader; thus, the need for this class. Currently, the methods of this class are "stubbed out" and/or return default values; which seems to be acceptable for the Hive integration.