Interface PrimaryKey

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Comparable<FieldValue>, FieldValue, RecordValue, Row

    public interface PrimaryKey
    extends Row
    PrimaryKey is a specialization of Row to represent a primary key used to access records in a table using the TableAPI. It may contain all or part of a primary key for its associated table. If a PrimaryKey is partially filled the fields must be set in order of significance, as defined by the list returned by getFields(). If an attempt is made to set a field that is not part of the primary key IllegalArgumentException is thrown.

    PrimaryKey objects are constructed using createPrimaryKey.

    • Method Detail

      • getFields

        List<String> getFields()
        Returns an unmodifiable list of fields, in key order, that comprise this key. This method returns the same list as Table.getPrimaryKey() for this instance's Table.
        Specified by:
        getFields in interface RecordValue
        the fields