Primary Expressions in SQL

If you want to follow along with the examples, download the script baggageschema_loaddata.sql and execute it as shown below. This script creates the table used in the example and loads data into the table.

Start your KVSTORE or KVLite and open the
java -jar lib/kvstore.jar kvlite -secure-config disable
java -jar lib/sql.jar -helper-hosts localhost:5000 -store kvstore
Using the load command, execute the script.
load -file baggageschema_loaddata.sql

Parenthesized Expressions

Parenthesized expressions are used primarily to alter the default precedence among operators. They are also used as a syntactic aid to mix expressions in ways that would otherwise cause syntactic ambiguities.

Example: Fetch the full name, tag number, and routing details of passengers either boarding at JFK /traversing through JFK and their destination is either MAD or VIE.
SELECT fullName, bag.bagInfo.tagNum, 
FROM BaggageInfo bag 
WHERE bag.bagInfo.flightLegs[].fltRouteSrc=any "JFK" AND 
(bag.bagInfo[].flightLegs[].fltRouteDest=any "MAD" OR
bag.bagInfo[].flightLegs[].fltRouteDest=any "VIE" )

Explanation: You want to fetch the full name, tag number, and routing details of passengers. The first filter condition is that the boarding point/transit is JFK. Once this is satisfied the second filter condition is that destination is either MAD or VIE. You use an OR condition to filter the destination value.

{"fullName":"Dierdre Amador","tagNum":"17657806240229","routing":"JFK/MAD","fltRouteDest":"MAD"}
{"fullName":"Rosalia Triplett","tagNum":"17657806215913","routing":"JFK/IST/VIE","fltRouteDest":["IST","VIE"]}
{"fullName":"Kendal Biddle","tagNum":"17657806296887","routing":"JFK/IST/VIE","fltRouteDest":["IST","VIE"]}

Case Expressions

The searched CASE expression is similar to the if-then-else statements of traditional programming languages. It consists of a number of WHEN-THEN pairs, followed by an optional ELSE clause at the end. Each WHEN expression is a condition, i.e., it must return BOOLEAN. The THEN expressions as well as the ELSE expression may return any sequence of items. The CASE expression is evaluated by first evaluating the WHEN expressions from top to bottom until the first one that returns true. If it is the i-th WHEN expression that returns true, then the i-th THEN expression is evaluated and its result is the result of the whole CASE expression. If no WHEN expression returns true, then if there is an ELSE, its expression is evaluated and its result is the result of the whole CASE expression; Otherwise, the result of the CASE expression is the empty sequence.

        WHEN NOT exists bag.bagInfo.flightLegs[0]
        THEN "you have no bag info"
        WHEN NOT exists bag.bagInfo.flightLegs[1]
        THEN "you have one hop"
        WHEN NOT exists bag.bagInfo.flightLegs[2]
        THEN "you have two hops."
        ELSE "you have three hops."
FROM BaggageInfo bag WHERE ticketNo=1762340683564

Explanation: You want to determine how many transits are there for the passenger bagInfo using a CASE statement. If the flightLegs array has no elements, then the passenger has no bag data. When the flightLegs array has only one element, then there is only one transit point. Similarly, if the flightLegs array has two elements, then there is two hops. Else there is three transit points. Here you assume that a bag can have at the most three transit points/hops.

{"fullName":"Mary Watson","NUMBER_HOPS":"you have two hops."}
Example 2: Write a query to alert the system to update the tagNum of passengers if the existing value is not a string.
SELECT bag.bagInfo[].tagNum,
   WHEN bag.bagInfo[0].tagNum is of type (NUMBER)
   THEN "Tagnumber is not a STRING. Update the data"
   ELSE "Tagnumber has correct datatype"
FROM BaggageInfo bag 

Explanation: The tagNum of passengers in the bagInfo schema is a STRING data type. But the application could take in a NUMBER value as the value of tagNum by mistake. The query uses "is of type" operator to capture this and prompts the system to update the tagNum if the existing value is not a string.

Output (only few rows are shown for brevity).
{"tagNum":"17657806240001","tag_NUM_TYPE":"Tagnumber has correct datatype"}
{"tagNum":"17657806224224","tag_NUM_TYPE":"Tagnumber has correct datatype"}
{"tagNum":17657806243578,"tag_NUM_TYPE":"Tagnumber is not a STRING. Update the data"}
{"tagNum":"1765780623244","tag_NUM_TYPE":"Tagnumber has correct datatype"}

Cast Expression

The cast expression creates, if possible, new items of a given target type from the items of its input sequence. For example, a STRING can be converted to TIMESTAMP(0) using CAST expression.

Rules followed in a CAST expression:
  • If the type of the input item is equal to the target item type, the cast is a no-op: the input item itself is returned.
  • If the target type is a wildcard type other than JSON and the type of the input item is a subtype of the wild card type, the cast is a no-op.
  • If the target type is JSON, then an error is raised if the input item is a non-json atomic type.
  • If the target type is an array type, an error is raised if the input item is not an array.
  • If the target type is string, the input item may be of any type. That means every item can be cast to a string. For timestamps, their string value is in UTC and has the format uuuu-MM-dd['T'HH:mm:ss].
  • If the target type is an atomic type other than string, the input item must also be atomic.
      • Integers and longs can be cast to timestamps. The input value is interpreted as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT.
      • String items may be castable to all other atomic types. Whether the cast succeeds or not depends on whether the actual string value can be parsed into a value that belongs to the domain of the target type.
      • Timestamp items are castable to all the timestamp types. If the target type has a smaller precision that the input item, the resulting timestamp is the one closest to the input timestamp in the target precision.
  • To cast a STRING to TIMESTAMP, if the input has STRING values in ISO-8601 format, then it will be automatically converted by the SQL runtime into TIMESTAMP data type.


    ISO8601 describes an internationally accepted way to represent dates, times, and durations.

    Syntax: Date with time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s[s[s[s[s[s]]]]][Z|(+|-)hh:mm]

    • YYYY specifies the year, as four decimal digits
    • MM specifies the month, as two decimal digits, 00 to 12
    • DD specifies the day, as two decimal digits, 00 to 31
    • hh specifies the hour, as two decimal digits, 00 to 23
    • mm specifies the minutes, as two decimal digits, 00 to 59
    • ss[.s[s[s[s[s]]]]] specifies the seconds, as two decimal digits, 00 to 59, optionally followed by a decimal point and 1 to 6 decimal digits (representing the fractional part of a second).
    • Z specifies UTC time (time zone 0). (It can also be specified by +00:00, but not by –00:00.)
    • (+|-)hh:mm specifies the time-zone as difference from UTC. (One of + or – is required.)
Example 1: Fetch the bag arrival date for the passenger with a reservation code DN3I4Q in TIMESTAMP(3) format.
SELECT CAST (bag.bagInfo.bagArrivalDate AS Timestamp(3))
FROM BaggageInfo bag WHERE bag.confNo=DN3I4Q

Explanation: The bagArrivalDate is a STRING. Using CAST you are converting this field into a TIMESTAMP format.

Example 2: Fetch the full name and tag number for all customer baggage shipped after 2019.
SELECT fullName, bag.ticketNo, 
FROM BaggageInfo bag WHERE
exists bag.bagInfo[$element.bagArrivalDate >="2019-01-01T00:00:00"]

Explanation: You want to filter and display details of the baggage that are shipped after 2019. The bag arrival date for every element in the flightLegs array is compared with the given timestamp (2019-01-01T00:00:00). Here the casting is implicit as bagArrivalDate is a STRING and is directly compared with a static Timestamp value. An explicit CAST function is not needed when an implicit casting can be done. However, your data should be in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MI:SS . You then use the EXISTS condition to check if the bagInfo is present for this timestamp condition.

{"fullName":"Kendal Biddle","ticketNo":1762377974281,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-05T12:00:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Lucinda Beckman","ticketNo":1762320569757,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-12T15:05:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Adelaide Willard","ticketNo":1762392135540,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-15T21:21:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Raymond Griffin","ticketNo":1762399766476,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-03T08:09:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Elane Lemons","ticketNo":1762324912391,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-15T10:13:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Zina Christenson","ticketNo":1762390789239,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-04T10:08:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Zulema Martindale","ticketNo":1762340579411,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-25T20:15:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Dierdre Amador","ticketNo":1762376407826,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-07T13:51:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Henry Jenkins","ticketNo":176234463813,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-02T13:18:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Rosalia Triplett","ticketNo":1762311547917,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-12T07:04:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Lorenzo Phil","ticketNo":1762320369957,"bagArrivalDate":["2019-03-12T15:05:00Z","2019-03-12T16:25:00Z"]}
{"fullName":"Gerard Greene","ticketNo":1762341772625,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-07T16:01:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Adam Phillips","ticketNo":1762344493810,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-01T16:13:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Doris Martin","ticketNo":1762355527825,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-22T10:17:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Joanne Diaz","ticketNo":1762383911861,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-16T16:13:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Teena Colley","ticketNo":1762357254392,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-13T11:15:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Michelle Payne","ticketNo":1762330498104,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-02T23:59:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Mary Watson","ticketNo":1762340683564,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-14T06:22:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Omar Harvey","ticketNo":1762348904343,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-03-02T16:09:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Fallon Clements","ticketNo":1762350390409,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-21T14:08:00Z"}
{"fullName":"Lisbeth Wampler","ticketNo":1762355854464,"bagArrivalDate":"2019-02-10T10:01:00Z"}

Sequence Transform Expressions

A sequence transform expression transforms a sequence into another sequence. Syntactically it looks like a function whose name is seq_transform. The first argument is an expression that generates the sequence to be transformed (the input sequence) and the second argument is a "mapper" expression that is computed for each item of the input sequence. The result of the seq_transform expression is the concatenation of sequences produced by each evaluation of the mapper expression. The mapper expression can access the current input item via the $ variable.

Example: For each ticketNo, fetch a flat array containing all the actions performed on the luggage of that ticketNo.
SELECT seq_transform(l.bagInfo[],
                "at" : $sq3.actionAt,
                "action" : $sq3.actionCode,
                "flightNo" : $sq2.flightNo,
                "tagNum" : $sq1.tagNum
  ) AS actions
FROM baggageInfo l WHERE ticketNo=1762340683564

Explanation: You can use the sequence transform expression for transforming JSON documents stored in table rows. In such cases, you often use multiple sequence transform expressions nested inside each other. Here the mapper expression of an inner sequence transform may need to access the current item of an outer sequence transform. To allow this, each sequence transform expression 'S' declares a variable with name $sqN, where N is the level of nesting of the expression S within the outer sequence transform expressions. $sqN is basically a synonym for $, that is, it is bound to the items returned by the input expression S. However, $sqN can be accessed by other sequence transform expressions that may be nested inside the expression S.

   {"action":"ONLOAD to HKG","at":"YYZ","flightNo":"BM267","tagNum":"17657806299833"},
   {"action":"BagTag Scan at YYZ","at":"YYZ","flightNo":"BM267","tagNum":"17657806299833"},
   {"action":"Checkin at YYZ","at":"YYZ","flightNo":"BM267","tagNum":"17657806299833"},
   {"action":"Offload to Carousel at BLR","at":"BLR","flightNo":"BM115","tagNum":"17657806299833"},
   {"action":"ONLOAD to BLR","at":"HKG","flightNo":"BM115","tagNum":"17657806299833"},
   {"action":"OFFLOAD from HKG","at":"HKG","flightNo":"BM115","tagNum":"17657806299833"} 