How to Run LoadRmvTable When the Store is Non-Secure

To execute LoadRmvTable to create and populate the table named rmvTable with example data in a store configured for non-secure access, type the following at the command line of the client node, which must have network connectivity with a node running the admin service of the non-secure store you deployed (for example, kv-host-1 itself):

cd /opt/oracle/nosql/apps/kv
java -classpath \
    /opt/oracle/kv-ee/lib/commonutil.jar:examples \
    hadoop.hive.table.LoadRmvTable \
    -store example-store -host kv-host-1 -port 5000 \
    -nops 79 

The following parameters are required: -store, -host, -port, and -nops, whereas the -delete parameter is optional.

In the example command line above, the argument -nops 79 requests that 79 rows be written to rmvTable. If more or less than that number of rows is desired, then the value of the -nops parameter should be changed.

If LoadRmvTable is executed a second time and the optional -delete parameter is specified, then all rows added by any previous executions of LoadRmvTable are deleted from the table prior to adding the requested new rows. Otherwise, all pre-existing rows are left in place, and the number of rows in the table will be increased by the requested -nops number of new rows.