How to Run LoadRmvTable When the Store is Secure

To execute LoadRmvTable against the secure store that you deployed and provisioned with a non-administrative user according to the steps presented in the Deploying a Secure Store appendix, an additional parameter must be added to the command line above. In this case, type the following on the command line:

java -classpath \
    /opt/oracle/kv-ee/lib/commonutil.jar:examples \ 
    hadoop.hive.table.LoadRmvTable \
    -store example-store -host kv-host-1 -port 5000 \
    -nops 79 \
    -security /tmp/example-user-client-pwdfile.login \

As explained in the CountTableRows Support Programs appendix, the additional -security parameter in the command above specifies the location of the login properties file for the given user or alias. All other parameters are the same as for the non-secure case.