Package oracle.kv

Interface ExecutionSubscription

All Superinterfaces:
IterationSubscription, org.reactivestreams.Subscription

public interface ExecutionSubscription extends IterationSubscription
A subinterface of Subscription implemented by subscriptions supplied when a Subscriber subscribes to a Publisher associated with the asynchronous execution of a query.
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns information about the completed execution of the associated statement, in human readable form.
    Returns the same information as getInfo(), in JSON format.
    Returns the kind of statement result produced by the associated statement execution.
    Returns the administrative plan id for the associated statement execution if the statement was a DDL statement: create or remove table, a create or remove index, or an alter index.
    Returns the definition of the result of this statement if the statement is a query, otherwise null.
    Returns the statement object for the associated statement execution.

    Methods inherited from interface oracle.kv.IterationSubscription

    getPartitionMetrics, getShardMetrics

    Methods inherited from interface org.reactivestreams.Subscription

    cancel, request
  • Method Details

    • getKind

      Returns the kind of statement result produced by the associated statement execution.
      the kind of statement result
    • getStatement

      Statement getStatement()
      Returns the statement object for the associated statement execution.
      the statement
    • getPlanId

      int getPlanId()
      Returns the administrative plan id for the associated statement execution if the statement was a DDL statement: create or remove table, a create or remove index, or an alter index. When using the Admin CLI (runadmin) utility, administrative operations are identified by plan id. The plan id can be used to correlate data definition and administrative statements issued programmatically using the API against operations viewed via the interactive Admin CLI or other monitoring tool.

      Returns 0 if the statement was not an administrative operation, or did not require execution.

      the plan ID or 0
    • getInfo

      String getInfo()
      Returns information about the completed execution of the associated statement, in human readable form. If the statement was a data definition command, the information will show the start and end time of the operation and details about server side processing. Returns null if the statement was not an administrative operation, or if statement execution is not completed.
      info or null
    • getInfoAsJson

      String getInfoAsJson()
      Returns the same information as getInfo(), in JSON format. Returns null if the statement was not an administrative operation, or if statement execution is not completed.
      info or null
    • getResultDef

      RecordDef getResultDef()
      Returns the definition of the result of this statement if the statement is a query, otherwise null.
      the definition of the result or null