Package oracle.kv

Interface IterationSubscription

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public interface IterationSubscription extends org.reactivestreams.Subscription
A subinterface of Subscription implemented by subscriptions supplied when a Subscriber subscribes to a Publisher associated with an asynchronous table iteration.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getPartitionMetrics

      List<DetailedMetrics> getPartitionMetrics()
      Returns per-partition metrics for the iteration. This method may be called at any time during an iteration in order to obtain metrics to that point or it may be called at the end to obtain metrics for the entire scan. If there are no metrics available yet for a particular partition, then that partition will not have an entry in the list.
      the per-partition metrics for iteration
    • getShardMetrics

      List<DetailedMetrics> getShardMetrics()
      Returns per-shard metrics for the iteration. This method may be called at any time during an iteration in order to obtain metrics to that point or it may be called at the end to obtain metrics for the entire scan. If there are no metrics available yet for a particular shard, then that shard will not have an entry in the list.
      the per-shard metrics for the iteration