Dropping Namespaces

You can drop a namespace only if you have been granted the DROP_ANY_NAMESPACE privilege, and the namespace has no associated tables. Also, you must have the appropriate privileges.

To drop a namespace:

Using the CASCADE option with DROP NAMESPACE lets you extend the activity to tables and other objects within the NAMESPACE.

Dropping a namespace is not an atomic operation, and completes the following steps:
  • First check to make sure privileges to drop a namespace exist. Continue if privileges are in place.

  • If no privileges exist, stop process with an error.

  • If privileges are in place and CASCADE is not specified, check for tables, or other objects in the namespace. Drop the namespace if no objects exist.

  • If tables or other objects exist in the namespace, stop process with an error.

  • If privileges are in place to drop the namespace and CASCADE is specified, the statement drops the namespace, removing all tables, indexes related to the tables, and table privileges.


You cannot drop the default namespace, sysdefault.