Showing and Describing Namespaces

You can use the following ways to show namespaces and their tables from the SQL CLI:
  • SHOW


The next example shows creating a namespace (ns1), a table within that namespace (ns1:foo), and using SHOW namespaces and SHOW table ns1:foo to see the table hierarchy (that the table was created in the ns1 namespace). Finally, using DESCRIBE table ns1:foo to see more table details:

sql-> create namespace ns1;
Statement completed successfully

sql-> create table ns1:foo (id integer, primary key (id));
Statement completed successfully

sql-> show namespaces;

sql-> show table ns1:foo;
tableHierarchy(namespace ns1)

sql-> describe table ns1:foo;
 === Information ===
 | namespace | name | ttl | owner | sysTable | r2compat | parent | children | indexes | description |
 | ns1       | foo  |     |       | N        | N        |        |          |         |             |

 === Fields ===
 | id | name |  type   | nullable |  default  | shardKey | primaryKey | identity |
 |  1 | id   | Integer | N        | NullValue | Y        | Y          |          |