Deploy the data store

In each region in the Multi-Region NoSQL Database setup, you must deploy its own data store independently.


To deploy the data store:

  1. Follow the instructions given in Configuring your data store installation.
  2. After deploying the data store of your desired topology, you can check the health of the data store by executing the ping command from the command line interface.
    [~]$ java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar ping -port <port number> -host <host name>
  3. You can also verify the topology of the data store by executing the show topology command from the kv prompt. See show topology.
    kv-> show topology


For the use case under discussion, you must set up data stores for the two regions proposed.

# Connect to the data stores deployed at host1, host2, and host3 from the kv prompt
[~]$java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin \
-helper-hosts host1:5000,host2:5000,host3:5000

# View the topology of the data store
kv-> show topology
store=mrtstore  numPartitions=1000 sequence=1008
  zn: id=zn1 name=zn1 repFactor=3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false

  sn=[sn1] zn:[id=zn1 name=zn1] host1:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING
    [rg1-rn1] RUNNING
             single-op avg latency=0.8630216 ms   multi-op avg latency=1.7694647 ms
  sn=[sn2] zn:[id=zn1 name=zn1] host2:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING
    [rg1-rn2] RUNNING
             single-op avg latency=0.0 ms   multi-op avg latency=2.0211697 ms
  sn=[sn3] zn:[id=zn1 name=zn1] host3:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING
    [rg1-rn3] RUNNING
             single-op avg latency=0.0 ms   multi-op avg latency=1.8524266 ms

  shard=[rg1] num partitions=1000
    [rg1-rn1] sn=sn1
    [rg1-rn2] sn=sn2
    [rg1-rn3] sn=sn3
# Connect to the data store deployed at host4, host5, and host6 from the kv prompt
[~]$java -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar runadmin \
-helper-hosts host4:5000,host5:5000,host6:5000

# View the topology of the data store
kv-> show topology
store=mrtstore  numPartitions=1000 sequence=1008
  zn: id=zn1 name=zn1 repFactor=3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false

  sn=[sn1] zn:[id=zn1 name=zn1] host4:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING
    [rg1-rn1] RUNNING
             single-op avg latency=0.7519707 ms   multi-op avg latency=2.000658 ms
  sn=[sn2] zn:[id=zn1 name=zn1] host5:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING
    [rg1-rn2] RUNNING
             single-op avg latency=0.0 ms   multi-op avg latency=3.2067895 ms
  sn=[sn3] zn:[id=zn1 name=zn1] host6:5000 capacity=1 RUNNING
    [rg1-rn3] RUNNING
             single-op avg latency=0.0 ms   multi-op avg latency=1.9516457 ms

  shard=[rg1] num partitions=1000
    [rg1-rn1] sn=sn1
    [rg1-rn2] sn=sn2
    [rg1-rn3] sn=sn3