Use Case 1: Set up Multi-Region Environment

An organization deploys two on-premise data stores, one each at Frankfurt and London. As per their requirement, they create a few MR Tables in both the regions. The Users table is one of the many MR Tables created and maintained by this organization. In the next few topics, let us discuss how to set up the Frankfurt and London regions and how to create and work with an MR Table called Users in these two regions.

To configure a Multi-Region NoSQL Database, you need to execute the below listed tasks in each region. For the use case under discussion, you must execute all the below listed steps in both the participating regions, Frankfurt and London.
  1. Deploy the data store
  2. Set Local Region Name
  3. Configure XRegion Service
  4. Start XRegion Service
  5. Create Remote Regions
  6. Create Multi-Region Tables
  7. Access and Manipulate Multi-Region Tables