Start XRegion Service

The Xregion service in each region can be started using the xrstart command. The xrstart command has to be executed for each data store separately. The status of the xrstart command execution can be viewed by reading the contents of nohup.out file. To get more details about xrstart command and its various parameters, see xrstart .


Start the XRegion Service in both the regions, Frankfurt and London.

# Start the XRegion Service in the 'fra' Region
[oracle@host1 xrshome]$nohup java -Xms256m -Xmx2048m -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar xrstart \
-config <path to the json config file> > \
<path to the home directory of the xregion service>/nohup.out &

[1] 24356
[oracle@host1 xrshome]$ nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout

# View the status of the xrstart command in the 'fra' Region
[oracle@host1 xrshome]$ cat nohup.out
Cross-region agent (region=fra,store=mrtstore, helpers=[host1:5000, host2:5000, host3:5000]) 
starts up from config file=/home/oracle/xrshome/ json.config at 2019-11-07 08:57:34 UTC
# Start the XRegion Service in the 'lnd' Region
[oracle@host4 xrshome]$ nohup java -Xms256m -Xmx2048m -jar $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar xrstart \ 
-config <path to the json config file> > \
<path to the home directory of the xregion service>/nohup.out & 

[1] 17587
[oracle@host4 xrshome]$ nohup: ignoring input and redirecting stderr to stdout

# View the status of the xrstart command in the 'lnd' Region
[oracle@host4 xrshome]$ cat nohup.out
Cross-region agent (region=lnd,store=mrtstore, helpers=[host4:5000, host5:5000, host6:5000]) 
starts up from config file=/home/oracle/xrshome/ json.config at 2019-11-07 08:57:34 UTC