
Encapsulates commands that put key/value pairs to the store or put rows to a table. The subcommands are as follows:

put kv

put kv -key <keyString> -value <valueString> [-file]
    [-hex] [-if-absent] [-if-present] 

Put the specified key/value pair into the store. The following arguments apply to the put command:

  • -key<keyString>

    Specifies the name of the key to be put into the store. Key can be composed of both major and minor key paths, or a major key path only. The <keyString> format is: "major-key-path/-/minor-key-path".

    For example, a key containing major and minor key paths:

    kv-> put kv -key /Smith/Bob/-/email -value
    "{\"id\": 1,\"email\":\"bob.smith@example.com\"}" 

    For example, a key containing only a major key path:

    kv-> put kv -key /Smith/Bob -value"{\"name\":
     \"bob.smith\", \"age\": 20, \"phone\":\"408 555 5555\", \"email\":
  • -value <valueString>

    If -file is not specified, the <valueString> is treated as a raw bytes array.

    For example:

    kv-> put kv -key /Smith/Bob/-/phonenumber -value "408 555 5555"


    The mapping of the raw arrays to data structures (serialization and deserialization) is left entirely to the application.

  • -file

    Indicates that the value is obtained from a file. The file to use is identified by the value parameter.

    For example:

    kv-> put kv -key /Smith/Bob -value ./smith-bob-info.txt
  • -hex

    Indicates that the value is a BinHex encoded byte value with base64 encoding.

  • -if-absent

    Indicates that a key/value pair is put only if no value for the given key is present.

  • -if-present

    Indicates that a key/value pair is put only if a value for the given key is present.

put table

kv-> put table -name table_name [if-absent | -if-present ]
    [-json string] [-file file_name] [-exact] [-update] 

Puts one or more rows into the named table.

  • -name

    Specifies a table name, which can identify different types of tables:

    • table_name – The table is a top level table created in the default namespace, sysdefault. The default sysdefault: namespace prefix is not required.
    • table_name.child_name – The table is a child table. Always precede a child_name table with its parent table_name, followed by a period (.) separator.
    • namespace_name:table_name – The table was created in the namespace you specify. Always precede table_name with its namespace_name, followed by a colon (:).
    • namespace_name:table_name.child_name – The table is a child table of a parent table created in a namespace. Specify child_name by preceding it with both namespace_name: and its parent table_name, , followed by a period (.) separator.
  • -if-absent

    Indicates to put a row only if the row does not exist.

  • -if-present

    Indicates to put a row only if the row already exists.

  • -json

    Indicates that the value is a JSON string.

  • -file

    Use to load a file of JSON strings.

  • -exact

    Indicates that the input JSON string or file must contain values for all columns in the table and cannot contain extraneous fields.

  • -update

    Can be used to partially update the existing record.