
#include <kvstore.h>

kv_operation_metrics_t *
kv_get_operation_metrics(kv_stats_t *stats,
                         kv_int_t index) 

Aggregates the metrics associated with an Oracle NoSQL Database operation. The information is returned using a kv_operation_metrics_t structure, which includes the following data members:

  • kv_float_t avg_latency_ms

    Returns the average latency associated with the operation in milliseconds.

  • kv_int_t max_latency_ms

    Returns the maximum latency associated with the operation in milliseconds.

  • kv_int_t min_latency_ms

    Returns the minimum latency associated with the operation in milliseconds.

  • kv_int_t total_operations

    Returns the number of operations that were executed.

  • const char *operation_name

    Returns the name of the Oracle NoSQL Database operation associated with the metrics.

Note that if the index parameter is out of range, then this functions returns NULL.


  • stats

    The stats parameter is the statistics structure containing the operation metrics information. This structure is allocated using kv_get_stats(), and is released using kv_release_stats().

  • index

    The index parameter is the integer designation of the operation for which you want to retrieve statistical information. You can discover the total number of operations for which statistical information is available using kv_get_num_operations().