6 Statistics Functions

This chapter describes functions used to retrieve and examine statistical information. There are two types of statistics described here: statistics related to store operations and state, and statistics related to parallel scan operations.

For store-related statistics, metrics can be obtained on a per-node or per-operation basis. All statistical information is contained within a structure that you allocate using kv_get_stats(). You release the resources allocated for this structure using kv_release_stats().

In many cases, statistical information is reported for a time interval. For example, this happens when information is retrieved that reports on maximum, minimum and average numbers. In this case, the reporting interval can be restarted by calling kv_get_stats() with a value of 1 for the clear parameter.

For parallel scan statistics, the statistics are retrieved from a parallel scan iterator using either kv_parallel_scan_get_partition_metrics() or kv_parallel_scan_get_shard_metrics(). This returns a structure that you can examine using a number of different functions. You release this structure using kv_release_detailed_metrics_list().

Statistics Functions

Statistics Functions Description

Returns metrics associated with each node in the KV Store


Return the number of nodes contained in the KV Store


Return the number of operations that were executed


Aggregates the metrics associated with a KV Store operation


Return statistics associated with the KV Store


Release the statistics structure


Returns a descriptive string containing metrics for each operation

Parallel Scan Statistics Functions

Parallel Scan Statistics Functions Description

Returns the size of the detailed metrics list


Returns the number of records in the detailed metrics list


Returns the time used to perform the parallel scan


Returns the name of the shard or partition used by the parallel scan


Returns parallel scan metrics for the partition


Returns parallel scan metrics for the partition


Releases the detailed metrics list