Changes in 18.1.20

The following changes were made in Oracle NoSQL Database Release 18.1.20 Enterprise Edition.

Bug and Performance Fixes

  1. Fixed a bug that could cause an exception such as the following, making the RN unavailable. The bug was introduced in an earlier version of 18.1. It can occur under certain conditions when 336 or more tables have been created over the lifetime of the store.

    2018-08-29 14:16:12.965 UTC SEVERE [rg1-rn1] Process exiting
    oracle.kv.impl.rep.EnvironmentFailureRetryException: (JE +18.1.xx)
    Environment must be closed, caused by:
    Environment invalid because of previous exception: (JE 18.1.xx)
    rg1-rn1(1):/DATA00/rg1-rn1/env fetchLN of 0x6030/0x95727f6 parent IN=130 IN
    lastFullLsn=0x6039/0x1e1138 lastLoggedLsn=0x603a/0x60ac3e parent.getDirty()=false state=0
    expires=2018-09-02.00 LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND: Log file missing, log is likely invalid.
    Environment is invalid and must be closed.
            at oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl.executeInternal(
            at oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl.executeRequest(
            at oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl.trackExecuteRequest(
            at oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl.access$100(
            at oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl$2$
            at oracle.kv.impl.api.RequestHandlerImpl$2$