Running CountTableRows When the Store is Secure and an Oracle Wallet is Used

If you will be running CountTableRows against a secure store and you are using an Oracle Wallet rather than a password file to store the user's password, then the CountTableRows MapReduce job can be run by typing the following at the access node's command line:


cd /opt/oracle/nosqlapps/kv

hadoop jar examples/CountTableRows-walletClient.jar \
    hadoop.table.CountTableRows \
    -libjars \
    /opt/oracle/kv-ee/lib/commonutil.jar \
    /opt/oracle/nosql/apps/examples/CountTableRows-walletServer.jar \
    example-store \
    kv-host-1:5000 \
    vehicleTable \
    /user/example-user/CountTableRows/vehicleTable/<000N> \
    example-user-client-wallet.login \

Whether storing the user's password in a password file or an Oracle Wallet (available in only the Enterprise Edition of Oracle NoSQL Database), notice that an additional JAR file artifact (CountTableRows-pwdServer.jar or CountTableRows-walletServer.jar) is specified for both the HADOOP_CLASSPATH environment variable and the Hadoop -libjars parameter. For a detailed explanation of the use and purpose of those server side JAR files, as well as a description of the client side JAR file and the two additional arguments at the end of the command line, refer to the Model For Building & Packaging Secure Clients appendix.