Running CountTableRows When the Store is Secure and a Password File is Used

If you will be running CountTableRows against a secure store such as that deployed in the Deploying a Secure Store appendix, and you have compiled, built, and packaged CountTableRows and all the necessary artifacts in the manner described in the Model For Building & Packaging Secure Clients appendix, then CountTableRows can be run against the secure store by typing the following at the command line of the Hadoop cluster's access node:


cd /opt/oracle/nosqlapps/kv

hadoop jar examples/CountTableRows-pwdClient.jar \
    hadoop.table.CountTableRows \
    -libjars /opt/oracle/kv-ee/lib/kvclient.jar,\
    /opt/oracle/nosql/apps/examples/CountTableRows-pwdServer.jar \
    example-store \
    kv-host-1:5000 \
    vehicleTable \
    /user/example-user/CountTableRows/vehicleTable/<000N> \
    example-user-client-pwdfile.login \

The following items in the command lines above are the client side artifacts of CountTableRows,



whereas the following items are the server side artifacts.



Rather than using an Oracle Wallet, the mechanism used for storing the user's password is a password file, which is contained in the CountTableRows-pwdServer.jar artifact.