Package oracle.kv

Interface EntryStream<E>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - Must be a Row, or a KeyValue. The term entry is used to cover both cases, in the API and the following javadoc.

    public interface EntryStream<E>
    The stream interface that supplies the data (Row or Key/Value pair) to be batched and loaded into the store. Any exceptions throw by methods of this interface are handled by the method catchException(java.lang.RuntimeException, E).
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void catchException​(java.lang.RuntimeException exception, E entry)
      The method that is invoked when an exception (such as Durability and RequestTimeout) is encountered while trying to add an entry to the store.
      void completed()
      Invoked by the loader to indicate that all the entries supplied by the stream have been processed.
      E getNext()
      Returns the next entry in the stream.
      void keyExists​(E entry)
      The method that's invoked when an entry with an existing primary key is found in the store.
      java.lang.String name()
      Returns a name to associate with the stream.
    • Method Detail

      • name

        java.lang.String name()
        Returns a name to associate with the stream. It's used to identify a specific stream in logs and exception messages.
        the name of the stream. It must not be null.
      • getNext

        E getNext()
        Returns the next entry in the stream. This method is invoked sequentially so that each getNext() operation is allowed to complete before the next call is issues by the loader.

        The order of entries in the stream impacts duplicate processing. Assuming the key is not already present in the store, at the time the load operation is initiated, the first entry will result in the key being inserted and the second and subsequent duplicate entries will result in the keyExists method being invoked.

        The bulk put operation will generate an interrupt if it encounters some issue which forces it to terminate the bulk put operation before it can be completed. The getNext() method must make provisions to handle InterruptedException by cleaning up and returning null.

        the next entry in the stream. It returns null if at the end of the stream or if the operation was interrupted.
      • completed

        void completed()
        Invoked by the loader to indicate that all the entries supplied by the stream have been processed. The callback happens sometime after the getNext() method returns null and all entries supplied by the stream have been written to the store.

        Applications may choose to use this callback to checkpoint progress during a bulk operation. In case there is a failure, the operation can be resumed by skipping streams that have been completely processed, but reloading all streams that have been partially processed or have not been processed at all. Reloading a partially processed stream will result in {#keyExists} being invoked for entries that were already loaded.

        The method should not block. It must do minimal processing, delegating any blocking or time-consuming operations to a separate thread and return back to the caller.
      • keyExists

        void keyExists​(E entry)
        The method that's invoked when an entry with an existing primary key is found in the store.

        This method must be re-entrant and should not block. It must do minimal processing, delegating any blocking or time-consuming operations to a separate thread of control and return back to the caller.

        entry - the entry associated with the key that was already present
      • catchException

        void catchException​(java.lang.RuntimeException exception,
                            E entry)
        The method that is invoked when an exception (such as Durability and RequestTimeout) is encountered while trying to add an entry to the store.

        The method must be re-entrant, since the bulk load operation is run in parallel and multiple concurrent exceptions can be encountered simultaneously.

        If the method returns normally, the entry is ignored and the bulk load operation continues with the loading of other entries. If the methods throws an exception, the entire bulk load operation is terminated and the exception is rethrown from the put operation that initiated the bulk load.

        exception - the exception that was encountered
        entry - the entry(Row or KeyValue) associated with the exception