Interface SequenceDef

  • public interface SequenceDef
    IdentityDef represents an immutable metadata object used to represent the properties of an identity column in a table.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      SequenceDef clone()
      Create a deep copy of this object.
      oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getCacheValue()
      Get the cache value of generator.
      boolean getCycle()
      Get the configuration of whether to generate sequence on null.
      oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getIncrementValue()
      Get the increment value of generator.
      oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getMaxValue()
      Get the max value of generator.
      oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getMinValue()
      Get the min value of generator.
      oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getStartValue()
      Get the start value of generator.
      boolean isSetCacheValue()
      Returns true if cache is explicitly set.
      boolean isSetCycle()
      Returns true if cycle is explicitly set.
      boolean isSetIncrementValue()
      Returns true if increment value is explicitly set.
      boolean isSetMaxValue()
      Returns true if max value is explicitly set.
      boolean isSetMinValue()
      Returns true if min value is explicitly set.
      boolean isSetStartValue()
      Returns true if start value is explicitly set.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        SequenceDef clone()
        Create a deep copy of this object.
        a new copy
      • isSetStartValue

        boolean isSetStartValue()
        Returns true if start value is explicitly set.
      • getStartValue

        oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getStartValue()
        Get the start value of generator.
      • isSetIncrementValue

        boolean isSetIncrementValue()
        Returns true if increment value is explicitly set.
      • getIncrementValue

        oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getIncrementValue()
        Get the increment value of generator.
      • isSetMaxValue

        boolean isSetMaxValue()
        Returns true if max value is explicitly set.
      • getMaxValue

        oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getMaxValue()
        Get the max value of generator.
      • isSetMinValue

        boolean isSetMinValue()
        Returns true if min value is explicitly set.
      • getMinValue

        oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getMinValue()
        Get the min value of generator.
      • isSetCacheValue

        boolean isSetCacheValue()
        Returns true if cache is explicitly set.
      • getCacheValue

        oracle.kv.impl.api.table.FieldValueImpl getCacheValue()
        Get the cache value of generator.
      • isSetCycle

        boolean isSetCycle()
        Returns true if cycle is explicitly set.
      • getCycle

        boolean getCycle()
        Get the configuration of whether to generate sequence on null.