Interface StatementResult

  • @Deprecated
    public interface StatementResult
    since 3.3 in favor of StatementResult
    A StatementResult provides information about the execution and outcome of a table statement. If obtained via ExecutionFuture.updateStatus(), it can represent information about either a completed or in progress operation. If obtained via ExecutionFuture.get() or TableAPI.executeSync(java.lang.String), it represents the final status of a finished operation.

    JSON format for results: Additional information about the statement execution is available via getInfo() or getInfoAsJson(). The former is formatted for human readability, whereas the latter provides a JSON version of the same information. The JSON info may be one of four types: show, describe, noop, plan

    A plan result provides the output of a data definition statement which was executed on the server. This output can be correlated to the information visible from the Admin CLI and other monitoring tools.

       "type" : "plan",
       "planInfo" : {
         "id" : 6,
         "name" : "CreateIndex:users:LastName",
         "isDone" : true,
         "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
         "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
         "interrupted" : null,
         "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
         "error" : null,
         "executionDetails" : {
           "taskCounts" : {
             "total" : 3,
             "successful" : 3,
             "failed" : 0,
             "interrupted" : 0,
             "incomplete" : 0,
             "notStarted" : 0
           "finished" : [ {
             "taskNum" : 1,
             "name" : "StartAddIndex:users:LastName",
             "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
             "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
             "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC"
           }, {
             "taskNum" : 2,
             "name" : "WaitForAddIndex:users:LastName",
             "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
             "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
             "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC"
           }, {
             "taskNum" : 3,
             "name" : "CompleteAddIndex:users:LastName",
             "state" : "SUCCEEDED",
             "start" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC",
             "end" : "2014-10-29 18:41:12 UTC"
           } ],
           "running" : [ ],
           "pending" : [ ]
    A show result provides the output of a SHOW statement:
       "type" : "show",
       "result" : {"tableHierarchy" : ["users"]}
    A describe result provides the output of a DESCRIBE statement:
       "type" : "describe",
       "result" : {
         "type" : "table",
         "name" : "users",
         "comment" : null,
         "shardKey" : [ "id" ],
         "primaryKey" : [ "id" ],
         "fields" : [ {
           "name" : "id",
           "type" : "INTEGER",
           "nullable" : true,
           "default" : null
         }, {
           "name" : "firstName",
           "type" : "STRING",
           "nullable" : true,
           "default" : null
         }, {
           "name" : "lastName",
           "type" : "STRING",
           "nullable" : true,
           "default" : null
         }, {
           "name" : "age",
           "type" : "INTEGER",
           "nullable" : true,
           "default" : null
         } ],
         "indexes" : [ {
           "name" : "LastName",
           "comment" : null,
           "fields" : [ "lastName" ]
         } ]
    A noop result is returned when the statement did not result in any processing.
         "type" : "noop",
         "comment" : "Statement did not require execution"

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
      If isSuccessful() is false, return a description of the problem.
      java.lang.String getInfo()
      Returns information about the execution of the statement, in human readable form.
      java.lang.String getInfoAsJson()
      Get detailed information about the execution of the statement in JSON text.
      int getPlanId()
      Returns the administrative plan id for this operation if the statement was a create or remove table, a create or remove index, or an alter index.
      boolean isCancelled()
      Return true if the statement had been cancelled.
      boolean isDone()
      Return true if the statement completed.
      boolean isSuccessful()
      Return true if this statement has finished and was successful.
    • Method Detail

      • getPlanId

        int getPlanId()
        Returns the administrative plan id for this operation if the statement was a create or remove table, a create or remove index, or an alter index. When using the Admin CLI (runadmin) utility, administrative operations are identified by plan id. The plan id can be used to correlate data definition and administrative statements issued programmatically using the API against operations viewed via the interactive Admin CLI or other monitoring tool.

        The plan id will be 0 if this statement was not an administrative operation, or did not require execution.

      • getInfo

        java.lang.String getInfo()
        Returns information about the execution of the statement, in human readable form. If the statement was a data definition command, the information will show the start and end time of the operation and details about server side processing. If the statement was a DESCRIBE or SHOW command, the information will describe the table metadata.
      • getInfoAsJson

        java.lang.String getInfoAsJson()
        Get detailed information about the execution of the statement in JSON text. See the header comments for details about the JSON format.
      • getErrorMessage

        java.lang.String getErrorMessage()
        If isSuccessful() is false, return a description of the problem. Will be null if isSuccessful() is true.
      • isSuccessful

        boolean isSuccessful()
        Return true if this statement has finished and was successful.
      • isDone

        boolean isDone()
        Return true if the statement completed. This is the equivalent of ExecutionFuture.isDone()