Interface TableOperationResult

  • public interface TableOperationResult
    The Result associated with the execution of a TableOperation.
    See Also:
    TableOperationFactory, execute
    • Method Detail

      • getSuccess

        boolean getSuccess()
        Whether the operation succeeded. A put or delete operation may be unsuccessful if the row or version was not matched.
      • getNewVersion

        Version getNewVersion()
        For a put operation, the version of the new row.

        Is null if any of the following conditions are true:

        • The operation is not a put operation.
        • The put operation did not succeed.
      • getPreviousVersion

        Version getPreviousVersion()
        For a put or delete operation, the version of the previous row associated with the key.

        Is null if any of the following conditions are true:

        • The operation is not a put or delete operation.
        • A previous value did not exist for the given row.
        • The prevReturn ReturnRow parameter specified that the version should not be returned.
        • For a putIfVersion or deleteIfVersion operation, the matchVersion parameter matched the version of the previous value.
      • getPreviousRow

        Row getPreviousRow()
        For a put or delete operation, the previous value associated with the row.

        Is null if any of the following conditions are true:

        • The operation is not a put or delete operation.
        • A previous value did not exist for the given row.
        • The prevReturn ReturnRow parameter specified that the row should not be returned.
        • For a putIfVersion or deleteIfVersion operation, the matchVersion parameter matched the version of the previous value.
      • getPreviousExpirationTime

        long getPreviousExpirationTime()
        For a put or delete operation, the previous expiration time associated with the row.

        Is 0 if any of the following conditions are true:

        • The operation is not a put or delete operation.
        • A previous value did not exist for the given row.
        • The prevReturn ReturnRow parameter specified that neither the row nor version should be returned.
        • For a putIfVersion or deleteIfVersion operation, the matchVersion parameter matched the version of the previous value.