Class Consistency

  • public class Consistency
    extends Object
    Consistency is used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.

    ABSOLUTE consistency may be specified to guarantee that current values are read. EVENTUAL consistency means that the values read may be very slightly out of date. ABSOLUTE consistency results in higher cost, consuming twice the number of read units for the same data relative to EVENTUAL consistency, and should only be used when required.

    It is possible to set a default Consistency for a NoSQLHandle instance by using NoSQLHandleConfig.setConsistency(oracle.nosql.driver.Consistency). If no Consistency is specified in an operation and there is no default value, EVENTUAL is used.

    Consistency can be specified as an optional argument to all read operations.

    • Method Detail

      • isAbsolute

        public boolean isAbsolute()
        Returns true if this is Consistency.ABSOLUTE
        true if this instance represents ABSOLUTE Consistency
      • isEventual

        public boolean isEventual()
        Returns true if this is Consistency.EVENTUAL
        true if this instance represents EVENTUAL Consistency