Class Durability

  • public class Durability
    extends Object
    Defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation.

    This is currently only supported in On-Prem installations. It is ignored in the cloud service.

    The overall durability is a function of the Durability.SyncPolicy and Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy in effect for the Master, and the Durability.SyncPolicy in effect for each Replica.

    • Field Detail


        public static final Durability COMMIT_SYNC
        A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_SYNC for Master commit synchronization. The policies default to COMMIT_NO_SYNC for commits of replicated transactions that need acknowledgment and SIMPLE_MAJORITY for the acknowledgment policy.

        public static final Durability COMMIT_NO_SYNC
        A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization. The policies default to COMMIT_NO_SYNC for commits of replicated transactions that need acknowledgment and SIMPLE_MAJORITY for the acknowledgment policy.

        public static final Durability COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC
        A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization. The policies default to COMMIT_NO_SYNC for commits of replicated transactions that need acknowledgment and SIMPLE_MAJORITY for the acknowledgment policy.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Durability

        public Durability​(Durability.SyncPolicy masterSync,
                          Durability.SyncPolicy replicaSync,
                          Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy replicaAck)
        Creates an instance of a Durability specification.
        masterSync - the SyncPolicy to be used when committing the transaction on the Master.
        replicaSync - the SyncPolicy to be used remotely, as part of a transaction acknowledgment, at a Replica node.
        replicaAck - the acknowledgment policy used when obtaining transaction acknowledgments from Replicas.
    • Method Detail

      • getMasterSync

        public Durability.SyncPolicy getMasterSync()
        Returns the transaction synchronization policy to be used on the Master when committing a transaction.
        the master transaction synchronization policy
      • getReplicaSync

        public Durability.SyncPolicy getReplicaSync()
        Returns the transaction synchronization policy to be used by the replica as it replays a transaction that needs an acknowledgment.
        the replica transaction synchronization policy
      • getReplicaAck

        public Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy getReplicaAck()
        Returns the replica acknowledgment policy used by the master when committing changes to a replicated environment.
        the replica acknowledgment policy
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object