
Performs simple data aggregation operations on numeric fields like count, sum, average, keys, start and end. The aggregate command iterates matching keys or rows in the store so, depending on the size of the specified key or row, it may take a very long time to complete.

aggregate table is an aggregate subcommand.

aggregate table

aggregate table -name <name>
    [-count] [-sum <field[,field,..]>]
    [-avg <field[,field,..]>]
    [-index <name>]
    [-field <name> -value <value>]*
    [-field <name> [-start <value>] [-end <value>]]
    [-json <string>] 

Performs simple data aggregation operations on numeric fields of the table.


  • -name

    Specifies the table for the operation.

  • -count

    Returns the count of matching records.

  • -sum

    Returns the sum of the values of matching fields.

  • -avg

    Returns the average of the values of matching fields.

  • -index

    Specifies the name of the index to use. When an index is used, the fields named must belong to the specified index and the aggregation is performed over rows with matching index entries.

  • -field and -value pairs are used to specify the field values of the primary key to use to match for the aggregation, or you can use an empty key to match the entire table.

  • The -field flat, along with its -start and -end flags, can be used for restricting the range used to match rows.

  • -json

    Specifies the fields and values to use for the aggregation as a JSON input string.

See the example below:

# Create a table 'user_test' with an index on user_test(age):
kv-> execute 'CREATE TABLE user_test (id INTEGER,
firstName STRING, lastName STRING, age INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY (id))'
Statement completed successfully

kv-> execute 'CREATE INDEX idx1 on user_test (age)'
Statement completed successfully

# Insert 3 rows:
kv-> put table -name user_test -json
Operation successful, row inserted.
kv-> put table -name user_test -json
Operation successful, row inserted.
kv-> put table -name user_test -json
Operation successful, row inserted.

# Get count(*), sum(age) and avg(age) of rows in table:
kv-> aggregate table -name user_test -count -sum age -avg age
Row count: 3
        age(3 values): 96
        age(3 values): 32.00

# Get count(*), sum(age) and avg(age) of rows where
age >= 30, idx1 is utilized to filter the rows:
kv-> aggregate table -name user_test -count -sum age
-avg age -index idx1 -field age -start 30
Row count: 2
        age(2 values): 75
        age(2 values): 37.50