Package oracle.kv

Class KVVersion

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<KVVersion>

public class KVVersion extends Object implements Comparable<KVVersion>, Serializable
Oracle NoSQL DB version information. Versions consist of major, minor and patch numbers.

There is one KVVersion object per running JVM and it may be accessed using the static field CURRENT_VERSION.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final KVVersion CURRENT_VERSION
      The current software version.

      public static final KVVersion PREREQUISITE_VERSION
      The current prerequisite version. Nodes can only join the cluster if they are running at least this version of the software. NOTE: The prerequisite cannot be moved forward from 20.1 until version 22.1 is no longer supported. Version 22.2 includes a fix for [KVSTORE-1394] that performs an upgrade to data first created in 20.1. Until we can be sure that the upgrade has been applied, we need to retain compatibility for version 20.1. According to current compatibility rules that require compatibility for all of the two previous calendar years, release 25.1 is the first release that does not need to provide support for 22.1, so the prerequisite should be changed to 23.1 for the 25.1 release.
  • Constructor Details

    • KVVersion

      public KVVersion(int majorNum, int minorNum, int patchNum, String name)
    • KVVersion

      public KVVersion(int oracleMajor, int oracleMinor, int majorNum, int minorNum, int patchNum, String name)
  • Method Details

    • main

      public static void main(String[] argv)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getOracleMajor

      public int getOracleMajor()
      Oracle Major number of the release version.
      The Oracle major number of the release version.
    • getOracleMinor

      public int getOracleMinor()
      Oracle Minor number of the release version.
      The Oracle minor number of the release version.
    • getMajor

      public int getMajor()
      Major number of the release version.
      The major number of the release version.
    • getMinor

      public int getMinor()
      Minor number of the release version.
      The minor number of the release version.
    • getPatch

      public int getPatch()
      Patch number of the release version.
      The patch number of the release version.
    • getReleaseId

      public String getReleaseId()
      Returns the internal release ID for the release version, or null if not known.
      the release ID or null
    • getReleaseDate

      public String getReleaseDate()
      Returns the release date for the release version, or null if not known.
      the release date or null
    • getReleaseEdition

      public String getReleaseEdition()
      Returns the name of the edition of the release version, or null if not known.
      the release edition or null
    • getNumericVersionString

      public String getNumericVersionString()
      The numeric version string, without the patch tag.
      The release version
    • getVersionString

      public String getVersionString()
      Release version, suitable for display.
      The release version, suitable for display.
    • parseVersion

      public static KVVersion parseVersion(String versionString)
      Returns a KVVersion object representing the specified version string without the release ID, release date,and name parts filled in. This method is basically the inverse of getNumericVersionString(). This method will also parse a full version string (returned from toString()) but only the numeric version portion of the string.
      versionString - version string to parse
      a KVVersion object
    • setReleaseId

      public void setReleaseId(String releaseId)
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(KVVersion comparedVersion)
      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<KVVersion>
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object