Compiling and Running a Streams Application

The Oracle NoSQL Database Streams APIs can be found in the kvstore.jar file, which is located in your distribution's lib directory.

To run the Streams-related examples in the distribution, first get the Examples download from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and run the following commands:
  • cd $KVHOME/examples
  • javac -cp $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar:. pubsub/
  • java -cp $KVHOME/lib/kvstore.jar:. pubsub.NoSQLStreamExample
Example Usage:
+ NoSQLStreamExample
    [create-table | load-table | subscribe | cleanup]
    -store <instance name>
    -table <table name>
    -host <host name>
    -port <port number>
    -num <number of rows>
    -checkpoint <checkpoint interval in number of rows>
    -from [now | checkpoint | exact_checkpoint]