
Encapsulates commands that connect to the specified host and registry port to perform administrative functions or connect to the specified store to perform data access functions.

The current store, if any, will be closed before connecting to another store. If there is a failure opening the specified KVStore, the following warning is displayed: "Warning: You are no longer connected to KVStore".

The subcommands are as follows:

connect admin

connect admin -host <hostname> -port <registry port>
[-username <user>] [-security <security-file-path>] 

Connects to the specified host and registry port to perform administrative functions. An Admin service must be active on the target host. If the instance is secured, you may need to provide login credentials.


  • -host <hostname>

    Identifies the host name of a node in your store.

  • -port <registry port>

    The TCP/IP port on which Oracle NoSQL Database should be contacted. This port should be free (unused) on each node. It is sometimes referred to as the registry port.

  • -username <user>

    Specifies a username to log on as in a secure deployment.

  • -security <security-file-path>

    In a secured deployment, specifies a path to the security file. If not specified in a secure store, updating the sn-target-list will fail.

connect store

connect store [-host <hostname>] [-port <port>]
-name <storename> [-timeout <timeout ms>]
[-consistency <NONE_REQUIRED(default)
                                   | ABSOLUTE| NONE_REQUIRED_NO_MASTER>]
[-durability <COMMIT_SYNC(default)
                               | COMMIT_NO_SYNC | COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC>]
[-username <user>] [-security <security-file-path>] 

Connects to a KVStore to perform data access functions. If the instance is secured, you may need to provide login credentials.

Use the timeout, consistency and durability flags to override the default connect configuration.


  • -host <hostname>

    Identifies the host name of a node in your store.

  • -port <port>

    The TCP/IP port on which Oracle NoSQL Database should be contacted. This port should be free (unused) on each node.

  • -name <storename>

    Identifies the name of the store.

  • -timeout <timeout ms>

    Specifies the store request timeout in milliseconds.

  • -consistency

    Specifies the store request consistency. The default value is NONE_REQUIRED.

  • -durability

    Specifies the store request durability. The default value is COMMIT_SYNC.

  • -username <user>

    Specifies a username to log on as in a secure deployment.

  • -security <security-file-path>

    In a secured deployment, specifies a path to the security file.