Package oracle.kv

Class RequestLimitConfig

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RequestLimitConfig extends Object implements Serializable
Describes how requests may be limited so that one or more nodes with long service times don't end up consuming all available threads in the KVS client.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final int
    The default maximum number of active requests.
    static final int
    The default limit on the number of requests, as a percentage of the requested maximum active requests.
    static final int
    The default threshold for activating request limiting, as a percentage of the requested maximum active requests.
  • Constructor Summary

    RequestLimitConfig(int maxActiveRequests, int requestThresholdPercent, int nodeLimitPercent)
    Creates a request limiting configuration.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns an instance that uses the default values.
    Returns the maximum number of active requests permitted by the KVS client.
    Returns the maximum number of requests that may be active at a node.
    Returns the percentage used to compute the maximum number of requests that may be active at a node.
    Returns the threshold number of requests above which the request limiting mechanism is activated.
    Returns the percentage used to compute the active request threshold above which the request limiting mechanism is activated.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_REQUESTS
      The default maximum number of active requests.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_PERCENT
      The default threshold for activating request limiting, as a percentage of the requested maximum active requests.
      See Also:

      public static final int DEFAULT_NODE_LIMIT_PERCENT
      The default limit on the number of requests, as a percentage of the requested maximum active requests.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RequestLimitConfig

      public RequestLimitConfig(int maxActiveRequests, int requestThresholdPercent, int nodeLimitPercent)
      Creates a request limiting configuration. The request limiting mechanism is only activated when the number of active requests exceeds the threshold specified by the parameter requestThresholdPercent. Both the threshold and limit parameters below are expressed as a percentage of maxActiveRequests.

      When the mechanism is active the number of active requests to a node is not allowed to exceed nodeRequestLimitPercent. Any new requests that would exceed this limit are rejected and a RequestLimitException is thrown.

      For example, consider a configuration with maxActiveRequests=10, requestThresholdPercent=80 and nodeLimitPercent=50. If 8 requests are already active at the client, and a 9th request is received that would be directed at a node which already has 5 active requests, it would result in a RequestLimitException being thrown. If only 7 requests were active at the client, the 8th request would be directed at the node with 5 active requests and the request would be processed normally.

      maxActiveRequests - the maximum number of active requests permitted by the KV client. This number is typically derived from the maximum number of threads that the client has set aside for processing requests. The default is 100. Note that the KVStore does not actually enforce this maximum directly. It only uses this parameter as the basis for calculating the requests limits to be enforced at a node.
      requestThresholdPercent - the threshold computed as a percentage of maxActiveRequests at which requests are limited. The default is 90.
      nodeLimitPercent - determines the maximum number of active requests that can be associated with a node when the request limiting mechanism is active. The default is 80.
      IllegalArgumentException - if any argument is 0 or less, if requestThresholdPercent is greater than 100, or if nodeLimitPercent is greater than requestThresholdPercent
  • Method Details

    • getMaxActiveRequests

      public int getMaxActiveRequests()
      Returns the maximum number of active requests permitted by the KVS client.

      The default value is 100.

    • getRequestThresholdPercent

      public int getRequestThresholdPercent()
      Returns the percentage used to compute the active request threshold above which the request limiting mechanism is activated.

      The default value is 90.

    • getRequestThreshold

      public int getRequestThreshold()
      Returns the threshold number of requests above which the request limiting mechanism is activated.
    • getNodeLimitPercent

      public int getNodeLimitPercent()
      Returns the percentage used to compute the maximum number of requests that may be active at a node.

      The default value is 80.

    • getNodeLimit

      public int getNodeLimit()
      Returns the maximum number of requests that may be active at a node.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getDefault

      public static RequestLimitConfig getDefault()
      Returns an instance that uses the default values.