Overview of the TimesTen Utility Library

This section provides some overview for the TimesTen utility library.

About the Utility Library

The TimesTen utility library C language functions provide programmatic interfaces to some of the command line utilities.

See "Utilities" in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.

These functions are supported for TimesTen ODBC applications using the direct driver or using the TimesTen driver manager for direct connections.

Requirements for the Utility Library

Applications that use this set of C language functions must include ttutillib.h and ttutil.h and link with the libttutil.so TimesTen utility library.

Refer to Compiling and Linking Applications Directly With the TimesTen Drivers on Linux or UNIX, Compiling and Linking Applications on Windows, and Compiling and Linking Applications With the TimesTen Driver Manager on Linux or UNIX.


Applications must call the ttUtilAllocEnv C function before calling any other TimesTen utility library function. In addition, applications must call the ttUtilFreeEnv C function when done using the TimesTen utility library interface.

Utility Function Return Codes

Unless otherwise indicated, the utility functions return these codes as defined in ttutillib.h.

The application must call the ttUtilGetError C function to retrieve all actual error or warning information.

Code Description


Indicates success.


Indicates an error occurs.


Upon success, indicates a warning has been generated.


Indicates an invalid utility library handle is specified.