Cache Instance

Data is loaded from an Oracle database into a cache group within a TimesTen database in units called cache instances.

A cache instance is defined as a single row in the cache group's root table together with the set of related rows in the child tables.

Figure 2-2 shows three tables in the customer_orders cache group. The root table is customer. orders and order_item are child tables. The cache instance identified by the row with the value 122 in the cust_num primary key column of the customer table includes:

  • The two rows with the value 122 in the cust_num column of the orders table (whose value in the ord_num primary key column is 44325 or 65432), and

  • The three rows with the value 44325 or 65432 in the ord_num column of the order_item table

Figure 2-2 Multiple-Table Cache Group

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Multiple-Table Cache Group"