Manually Defragmenting the Change Log Tables for Cache Groups with Autorefresh

To manually initiate a defragmentation of the change log tables, call the ttCacheAutorefreshLogDeFrag built-in procedure as the TimesTen cache administration user from any of the TimesTen databases that cache data from the Oracle database.

Pass in one of the following strings as the parameter:

  • Compact: Defragment the change log tables.

  • CompactAndReclaim: Defragment the change log tables and reclaim the space.


    When reclaiming space, the change log table is briefly locked, which temporarily suspends writing into the base table.

The following example manually defragments the change log tables with the ttCacheAutoRefreshLogDeFrag built-in procedure providing the CompactAndReclaim option:

% ttIsql "DSN=cache1;UID=cacheadmin;PwdWallet=/wallets/cacheadminwallet"
Command> CALL ttCacheAutoRefreshLogDeFrag('CompactAndReclaim');

See ttCacheAutorefreshLogDefrag in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.