Receiving Notification on Tablespace Usage

In order to avoid the tablespace becoming full, you can configure TimesTen to return a warning to the application when an update operation (such as an UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE statement) is issued on cached Oracle Database tables and causes the usage of the Oracle cache administration user's tablespace to exceed a specified threshold.

Call the ttCacheConfig built-in procedure as the TimesTen cache administration user from any of the TimesTen databases that cache tables from the Oracle database. Pass the AutoRefreshLogTblSpaceUsagePCT string to the Param parameter and the threshold as a numeric string to the Value parameter. The threshold value represents the percentage of space used in the Oracle cache administration user's tablespace upon which a warning is returned to the application when an update operation is issued on a cached Oracle Database table. Do not pass in any values to the tblOwner and tblName parameters as they are not applicable to setting a warning threshold for the usage of the Oracle cache administration user's tablespace.

The Oracle cache administration user must be granted the SELECT privilege on the Oracle Database SYS.DBA_DATA_FILES table in order for the TimesTen cache administration user to set a warning threshold on the Oracle cache administration user's tablespace usage, and for the Oracle cache administration user to monitor its tablespace to determine if the configured threshold has been exceeded.

The following example configures a warning to be returned to the application that issues an update operation on a cached Oracle Database table if it results in the usage of the Oracle cache administration user's tablespace to exceed 80 percent:

% ttIsql "DSN=cache1;UID=cacheadmin;PwdWallet=/wallets/cacheadminwallet"
Command> CALL ttCacheConfig('AutoRefreshLogTblSpaceUsagePCT',,,'80');

To determine the current Oracle cache administration user's tablespace usage warning threshold, call ttCacheConfig passing only the AutoRefreshLogTblSpaceUsagePCT string to the Param parameter:

Command> CALL ttCacheConfig('AutoRefreshLogTblSpaceUsagePCT');
< AutoRefreshLogTblSpaceUsagePCT, <NULL>, <NULL>, 80 >

The default Oracle cache administration user's tablespace usage warning threshold is 0 percent which means that no warning is returned to the application regardless of the tablespace usage. The Oracle cache administration user's tablespace usage warning threshold applies to all TimesTen databases that cache tables from the same Oracle database and have the same Oracle cache administration user name setting.

See ttCacheConfig in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference.