Preparing the TimesTen Database for GoldenGate Replication

There are a few procedures to perform when preparing the TimesTen database to receive GoldenGate replication.

  1. On the TimesTen host, use a text editor to create the Replicat parameter file gg_home/dirprm/REP.prm with the following contents:

    REPLICAT rep
    TARGETDB cache1, USERID cacheadmin, PASSWORD ttpwd
    MAP oratt.*, TARGET oratt.*;
  2. Start the GGSCI utility. Assuming that the GoldenGate home directory is in the $GG_HOME directory:

    cd $GG_HOME

    From here on all commands use GGSCI.

  3. Start the GoldenGate Manager:

    GGSCI>start manager
    Manager started.
  4. Login to the TimesTen database, create the GoldenGate checkpoint table and configure a Replicat group:

    GGSCI>DBLOGIN SOURCEDB cache1, USERID cacheadmin, PASSWORD ttpwd
    INFO   OGG-30087 TimesTen Driver Manager connection type is Direct mode. 
    For best performance, use Direct mode when connecting to a local TimesTen instance and Client/Server mode for a remote instance. Refer to TimesTen Driver Manager user guides to configure a Direct or ClientServer connection.
    INFO   OGG-03036 Database character set identified as we8iso8859p1. Locale:.
    INFO   OGG-03037 Session character set identified as we8iso8859p1.
    logged into database.
    GGSCI>ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE cacheadmin.gg_ckpt_table
    Created checkpoint table cacheadmin.gg_ckpt_table.
    GGSCI>ADD REPLICAT rep, EXTTRAIL dirdat/tr, PARALLEL, CHECKPOINTTABLE cacheadmin.gg_ckpt_table
    Replicat added.