This attribute specifies the maximum number of PL/SQL cursors that can be open in a session at one time.

Use this to prevent a session from opening an excessive number of cursors. Default is 50 PL/SQL cursors.

Updating the value of this attribute takes effect on the next connection, not the current connection. The value also can be set at a database level via the ttDBConfig built-in procedure, providing a default for future connections.

If you decrease the value and the number of open cursors currently exceeds or equals the new setting, no new cursors can be opened until the total number of open cursors is less than the new setting (i.e., some of the currently open cursors have to close).

A value of 0 indicates no PL/SQL cursors can be open. (But if there are cached PL/SQL cursors that contain any PL/SQL code, they could still be executed.)


This attribute has the same functionality as OPEN_CURSORS in Oracle Database.

Required Privilege

No privilege is required to change the value of this attribute.

Usage in TimesTen Scaleout and TimesTen Classic

This attribute is supported in both TimesTen Classic and TimesTen Scaleout.


Set PLSQL_OPEN_CURSORS as follows:

Where to set the attribute How the attribute is represented Setting

C or Java programs or UNIX and Linux systems odbc.ini file in TimesTen Classic or in the database definition (.dbdef) file in TimesTen Scaleout


A positive integer from 0 to 65535 representing the number of cursors that can be open in one session at one time.

The default value is 50.

Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator