Deleting an Installation on Windows

This section discusses the steps to delete the installation and also the steps to verify the uninstallation was successful:

Steps to Delete the Installation on Windows

Uninstall TimesTen on Windows through the Apps & features menu list, much as you would other Windows programs.


Uninstallation will delete the TimesTen installation as well as the TimesTen instance that was created as part of the installation.

  1. From the Apps & features menu list, locate Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database 22.1 (64-bit).
  2. Choose Uninstall.
  3. The "This app and its related info will be uninstalled" dialog displays. Choose Uninstall.
  4. In the Question dialog, the "Are you sure you want to uninstall TimesTen In-Memory Database Client 22.1?" question displays. Choose Yes.
  5. In the Confirm Uninstall dialog, the "Do you want to completely remove the selected application and all its features?" question displays. Choose OK.
  6. In the Question dialog, the "Would you like to delete all DSNs associated with TimesTen 22.1?" question displays. If you choose Yes, you will not be able to access your existing databases. Choose Yes or No.


    The uninistallation process begins. Even for uninstallation, there is a dialog that says, "Configuring your new software installation."

  7. The Maintenance Complete dialog displays indicating the uninstallation is complete. Choose Finish.

Verify the Uninstallation is Successful on Windows

To verify that uninstallation was successful, confirm that:

  1. TimesTen 22.1 has been removed from Apps & features.
  2. The TimesTen Client 22.1 driver is not listed in the Drivers tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
  3. The installation directory has been deleted (by default, C:\TimesTen\tt221_64). If not, delete it and any remaining contents manually.

    If this is the only TimesTen installation, you can delete the TimesTen directory. If there are other installations, then delete only the tt221_64 directory.


    If any files are open to Windows Explorer, you may have to use the Task Manager to end the explorer process before you can delete the installation directory and its contents.