Destroying an Instance on Linux/UNIX

These sections discuss how to destroy an instance using the ttInstanceDestroy utility:

The ttInstanceDestroy Utility

The ttInstanceDestroy utility destroys an existing instance. The instance that will be destroyed is based on the current setting of the TIMESTEN_HOME environment variable, which indicates the instance home directory. Run the ttInstanceDestroy utility that is located in the bin directory of the associated installation. (For example, installation_dir/tt22.

Only the instance administrator (the user who created the instance) can destroy the instance.


There can be no existing connections to databases associated with the instance you are destroying.

Run the ttInstanceDestroy utility with the -help option to list the available options. See ttInstanceDestroy in Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference for detailed descriptions.


The -force option completes the operation without prompting for confirmation.

The ttInstanceDestroy utility completes these steps:

  • Provides a reminder that if the TimesTen startup scripts for the instance were installed (by root), then they should be uninstalled (also by root) before the instance is destroyed.

    This refers to the setuproot -install and setuproot -uninstall commands. See Start an Instance Automatically at System Startup with System V init Scripts for information.

  • Asks for confirmation to destroy the instance (unless -force is specified).

  • Frees up the ports assigned to the instance.

Destroy an Instance from Information Provided Interactively

Use the ttInstanceDestroy utility to destroy the instance interactively. Run the utility from the installation_dir/tt22. directory (the installation directory for the instance). Recall that the instance home directory (timesten_home) contains a subdirectory (/install) that is a symbolic link to the top-level directory of the instance's associated installation. See "Instance Home" for information.

This example illustrates how to use the ttInstanceDestroy utility to destroy an instance.

% installation_dir/tt22.
   The uninstallation has been executed by a non-root user.
   If the TimesTen daemon startup scripts were installed,
   you must run $TIMESTEN_HOME/bin/setuproot -uninstall
   to remove them. If you proceed with this uninstallation, you
   will have to remove the startup scripts manually.
   All files in the directory:
   will be removed, including any file that you or other users
   may have created.
   Are you sure you want to completely remove this instance? [ yes ] yes
   Installation will remove all the files from /scratch/ttuser/fullinstance1.
   Do you want to continue? [ yes ]
NOTE: /scratch/ttuser/fullinstance1/info contains information 
related to the data store that have been created with this release. 
If you remove /scratch/ttuser/fullinstance1/info
you will no longer be able to access your data stores,
nor would you be able to restore nor migrate your data.
NOTE: /scratch/ttuser/fullinstance1/conf contains information 
related to the instance configuration.
/scratch/ttuser/fullinstance1 Removed
The TimesTen instance fullinstance1 has been destroyed.