Clean Up Cache Metadata on the Oracle Database

When you create certain types of cache groups in a TimesTen database, TimesTen stores metadata about that cache group in the Oracle Database. If you later delete that TimesTen database, TimesTen does not automatically delete the metadata in the Oracle Database. As a result, metadata can accumulate on the Oracle Database. See Dropping Oracle Database Objects Used by Cache Groups with Autorefresh in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Cache Guide for more information.

However, in a Kubernetes environment, if you provide a cacheUser metadata file and a cachegroups.sql metadata file when you initially create the TimesTenScaleout object, then, by default, the Operator automatically cleans up the Oracle Database metadata if you delete that TimesTenScaleout object.

If you do not want the Operator to automatically clean up the Oracle Database, set the cacheCleanup field in the TimesTenScaleout object definition to false. See the cacheCleanup datum in TimesTenScaleoutSpecSpec.