D Create Your Own Oracle Wallet, Certificates, and Secrets for Exposing TimesTen Metrics

By default, the TimesTen Operator automatically exposes TimesTen metrics and uses Transport Layer Security (mutual TLS)/https to serve these metrics. It exposes these metrics to Prometheus or any other scrape target.

The TimesTen Operator works with the TimesTen exporter to expose these metrics. For more information about the TimesTen exporter, see Overview of the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator and the TimesTen Exporter.

If TimesTen metrics are served by https, then by default the TimesTen Operator automatically creates an Oracle Wallet, all necessary certificates, and Kubernetes Secrets so that https can be used to expose TimesTen metrics securely.

For more information about how the TimesTen Operator exposes TimesTen metrics, see Expose TimesTen Metrics with the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator.

Although not recommended, you have the option of creating your own Oracle Wallet, certificates, and Kubernetes Secrets for use in exporting these metrics.

This appendix shows you how.
