Create the Service Account and the TimesTen Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

The TimesTen Operator requires a Kubernetes service account in order to run properly. This service account requires permissions and privileges in your namespace. These permissions and privileges are granted through a role. The role is assigned to the service account through a role binding.

In addition, the TimesTen Operator provides TimesTen CRDs. These CRDs define the TimesTenClassic and the TimesTenScaleout object types to the Kubernetes cluster.

When you unpacked the TimesTen Operator distribution, one of the directories that was created was the /deploy directory. This directory contains the following YAML manifest files:
  • service_account.yaml: Defines the role, the role binding, and the service account for the Operator.

  • crd.yaml: Defines the TimesTenClassic and the TimesTenScaleout object types.

The following example creates the TimesTen Operator's service account and the TimesTen CRDs to the Kubernetes cluster:

  1. On your development host, change to the kube_files/deploy directory.
    cd kube_files/deploy
  2. Create the service account.
    kubectl create -f service_account.yaml

    The output is the following: created
    serviceaccount/timesten-operator created created
  3. Create the TimesTen CRDs.
    kubectl create -f crd.yaml

    The output is the following: created created
You successfully created the TimesTen Operator's service account and TimesTen CRDs.