About Deploying the TimesTen Operator

The TimesTen Operator manages and monitors TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout objects that are deployed in your namespace. You deploy the TimesTen Operator in your namespace as a Kubernetes Deployment. Before deploying the TimesTen Operator, review the Expose Metrics from the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator chapter. This chapter discusses how the TimesTen Operator, by default, automatically exposes metrics about its own functionality as well as the status of TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout objects to Prometheus or any other scraping mechanism. You have several options when considering if and how TimesTen Operator metrics are exposed. Although we recommend accepting the default behavior, you can decide which option works best for your environment.

The TimesTen Operator provides liveness and readiness probes that allow Kubernetes to determine the health of the TimesTen Operator. There are default values for the attributes of these probes. See About Readiness and Liveness Probes.

You have two options when deploying the TimesTen Operator:
  • Use the procedures in the upcoming sections in this chapter: These procedures show you how to deploy the TimesTen Operator by using the kubectl command.

  • Use TimesTen Helm charts: The TimesTen Operator provides Helm charts specific to TimesTen. These charts give you the ability to deploy the TimesTen Operator and TimesTenClassic objects using Helm. If you choose this option, proceed to Use Helm to Deploy the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator and TimesTenClassic Objects. This chapter provides all the information you need to use TimesTen Helm charts.

The following sections should you how to deploy the TimesTen Operator using the kubectl command.