7 Use Helm to Deploy the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator and TimesTenClassic Objects

You can use Helm to deploy TimesTen-specific Helm charts. These charts allow you to deploy TimesTen Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), the TimesTen Operator, and TimesTen Classic objects.

The techniques for using Helm with the TimesTen Operator are optional. If you do not want to use Helm, you can deploy the TimesTen CRDs, the TimesTen Operator, and TimesTenClassic objects using alternative techniques. For more information, see About Deploying the TimesTen Operator and Deploy TimesTen Classic Databases.

This chapter provides an overview of Helm and discusses how you use Helm charts to install releases of software. The chapter details the charts that the TimesTen Operator provides. In addition, it illustrates how you use these charts to deploy the TimesTen-specific Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), the TimesTen Operator, and one or more TimesTenClassic objects in your Kubernetes cluster.