Test the TimesTen Operator

To test the TimesTen Operator, the test Pod uses the curl command to access the TimesTen Operator's readiness probe endpoint. If the TimesTen Operator self-reports that it is ready, the test succeeds.

The TimesTen Operator's readiness endpoint is exposed to the Kubernetes cluster through the TimesTen Operator's EXPOSE_PROBES manifest variable. In the default configuration (EXPOSE_PROBES=1), the TimesTen Operator creates a Kubernetes Service. This Service makes the endpoint available from within the cluster. You can prevent this Service from being created by setting probes.expose=0 in your customized YAML file. See The ttoperator Chart.

To test the TimesTen Operator, you test the ttoperator chart release running in your namespace. Let's test the TimesTen Operator.

  1. Examine the ttoperator chart release.
    helm list


    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
    samplettop      mynamespace     1               2023-10-23 23:04:40.492890589 +0000 UTC deployed        ttoperator-2211190.1.0
    ttcrd           mynamespace     1               2023-10-17 22:00:53.530832896 +0000 UTC deployed        ttcrd-2211190.1.0

    The samplettop release of the ttoperator chart is installed in your namespace. You installed this release in Install the TimesTen Operator.

  2. Test the release.
     helm test samplettop


    NAME: samplettop
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Oct 23 23:04:40 2023
    NAMESPACE: mynamespace
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE:     samplettop-ttoperator-test
    Last Started:   Mon Oct 23 23:14:12 2023
    Last Completed: Mon Oct 23 23:14:16 2023
    Phase:          Succeeded
    Version 2211190.1.0 of the ttoperator chart has been installed.
    This release is named "samplettop".
    To learn more about the release, try:
      $ helm status samplettop
      $ helm get all samplettop
      $ helm history samplettop
    To rollback to a previous version of the chart, run:
      $ helm rollback samplettop <REVISION>
        - run 'helm history samplettop' for a list of revisions.
    To test the operator, run:
      $ helm test samplettop

    The test for the samplettop release succeeded.

Congratulations! You successfully tested the TimesTen Operator. The test succeeded and the TimesTen Operator is successfully running in your namespace.