Install the TimesTen Operator

The ttoperator chart contains all the information necessary to deploy the TimesTen Operator in your namespace. The chart contains a default configuration for deploying the TimesTen Operator. You have the option of customizing the chart to meet your preferred configuration. Specifically, the TimesTen Operator provides several variables whose values you can change to meet your configuration needs. For information about these variables, see The ttoperator Chart.

After you decide the variables you want to customize, you have two options:
  • Create a YAML file that defines the variables that you want to use to configure your environment. Next, to install the chart, pass this YAML file to the helm install command by specifying the -f option.

  • Specify the variables on the command line by running the helm install command with the --set option.

For more information about these options, see

The examples in the section use a YAML file.

Let's walk through an example illustrating how to install the ttoperator chart, which deploys the TimesTen Operator. In this example, let's make the following modifications:
  • imagePullSecret: Let's assume that sekret is the name of the Secret used to pull images from the repository. Therefore, let's specify sekret for the imagePullSecret variable.

  • Container image: Rather that use a container image in, let's assume you built you own container image as discussed in Option 2: Build the TimesTen Container Image. Let's assume the name of the container image you built and want to use is Based on this container image, let's modify the following variables:
    • repository: For the repository variable, specify a value of

    • tag: For the tag variable, specify a value of 1.

Let's also assume you have created a kube_files/helm/customyaml directory for your customized YAML files.


By default, the ttoperator chart creates timesten-operator ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding Kubernetes objects. The Role and RoleBinding objects grant the timesten-operator ServiceAccount the privileges needed to run the TimesTen Operator. See The ttoperator Chart.

  1. On your development host, change to the helm directory. For more information about the helm directory, see Set Up the Environment.
    cd kube_files/helm
  2. Create a YAML file that defines the variables for your configuration.
    vi customyaml/samplettop.yaml
      tag: "1"
      pullPolicy: Always
      - name: sekret
    The customizations are as follows:
    • Since the container image you built and want to use is, the value of the repository variable is and the value of the tag variable is 1.

    • The image pull Secret is sekret.

  3. To install the TimesTen Operator in your namespace, install the ttoperator chart.
    helm install -f customyaml/samplettop.yaml samplettop ./ttoperator
    Let's look at this helm install command:
    • The -f option is used to pass the customized YAML file to the helm install command.

    • The name of the file that contains the customizations is samplettop.yaml, which is located in the customyaml directory.

    • The name of the release is samplettop.

    • The name of the chart that installs the TimesTen Operator is ttoperator, which is located in the helm/ttoperator directory.

    Let's look at the output from the helm install command.

    NAME: samplettop
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Oct 23 23:04:40 2023
    NAMESPACE: mynamespace
    STATUS: deployed
    Version 2211190.1.0 of the ttoperator chart has been installed.
    This release is named "samplettop".
    To learn more about the release, try:
      $ helm status samplettop
      $ helm get all samplettop
      $ helm history samplettop
    To rollback to a previous version of the chart, run:
      $ helm rollback samplettop <REVISION>
        - run 'helm history samplettop' for a list of revisions.
    To test the operator, run:
      $ helm test samplettop
    Note the following:
    • The ttoperator chart version is 2211190.1.0 corresponding to the TimesTen release.

    • The release name is samplettop.

    • The status of the release is deployed.

  4. (Optional) Verify the release.
    helm list


    NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
    samplettop      mynamespace     1               2023-10-23 23:04:40.492890589 +0000 UTC deployed        ttoperator-2211190.1.0
    ttcrd           mynamespace     1               2023-10-17 22:00:53.530832896 +0000 UTC deployed        ttcrd-2211190.1.0

    The helm list command shows the samplettop release exists and is installed in your namespace.

  5. Confirm the TimesTen Operator is running in your namespace.
    kubectl get pods


    NAME                                  READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    timesten-operator-65ddf9cfbb-jkqbn    1/1     Running   0          12s
  6. Confirm the ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding objects are created.
    kubectl get serviceaccount timesten-operator
    NAME                SECRETS   AGE
    timesten-operator   0         25s
    kubectl get role timesten-operator
    NAME                CREATED AT
    timesten-operator   2023-10-23T22:04:43Z
    kubectl get rolebinding timesten-operator
    NAME                ROLE                     AGE
    timesten-operator   Role/timesten-operator   10s

    By default, the ttoperator chart created the timesten-operator ServiceAccount, Role, and RoleBinding objects.

Congratulations! You successfully installed the ttoperator chart. The TimesTen Operator is running in your namespace.