About Installing and Testing a Release

The TimesTen Operator provides specific Helm charts for the TimesTen Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), the TimesTen Operator, and TimesTenClassic objects. You use Helm to install these charts.

The installation of each chart serves a different purpose. For example:
  • The ttcrd chard defines the TimesTen CRDs to your Kubernetes cluster.

  • The ttoperator chart deploys the TimesTen Operator in your namespace.

  • The ttclassic chart deploys a TimesTenClassic object in your namespace, which results in the deployment of an active standby pair of TimesTen Classic databases.

The examples in the upcoming sections show you how to install these charts.

Before you install the charts, ensure you have completed the following:

After you install a chart, you can test it with the helm test command. The helm test command creates a test Pod. The Pod runs a command specific to the chart being tested. If the command finishes with exit code 0, the test succeeds and the test Pod is deleted. Any other error code indicates failure. In the case of failure, the test Pod is not deleted.

The examples in the upcoming sections show you how to use helm test to test the ttoperator and ttclassic charts.