About Helm Charts for TimesTen

Helm charts that are used to deploy the TimesTen Operator and TimesTen are included in each TimesTen release.

Each TimesTen release contains a TimesTen Operator distribution. The distribution is located in a file called kubernetes/operator.zip. When unzipped, this file expands into the TimesTen Operator distribution. There is a directory called helm that is included in the TimesTen Operator distribution. The Helm charts that TimesTen publishes are included in separate directories in the helm directory. For more information about the helm directory, see Set Up the Environment.

The following charts are included in the TimesTen Operator distribution:
  • ttcrd: Deploys the TimesTen Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) into the Kubernetes cluster.

  • ttoperator: Deploys the TimesTen Operator.

  • ttclassic: Creates a TimesTenClassic object, thus deploying an active standby pair of TimesTen databases.

Each chart requires a different level of authority. As a result, the charts are packaged as separate charts so they can be installed with appropriate privileges. In addition, a single TimesTen Operator can simultaneously create and manage multiple TimesTen databases and/or multiple TimesTen active standby pairs. Because the relationship between TimesTen Operators and TimesTen databases is not one to one, there is a chart (ttoperator) to deploy the TimesTen Operator and a separate chart (ttclassic) to deploy a TimesTen active standby pair.


The TimesTen Operator does not provide a chart for TimesTen Scaleout.