Install the TimesTen Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)

The TimesTen Operator provides two Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) called and These CRDs define the TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout object types.

Let's use Helm to install the TimesTen CRDs into your Kubernetes cluster. Since CRDs are cluster-wide, the CRDs are available to all namespaces after they are installed. Let's install the CRDs by installing the TimesTen Operator's ttcrd chart. You cannot customize the ttcrd chart. Therefore, let's install the chart as is.

For more information about using Helm to install a chart, see

  1. On your development host, change to the helm directory. For more information about the helm directory, see Set Up the Environment.
    cd kube_files/helm
  2. Install the ttcrd chart.
    helm install ttcrd ./ttcrd


    NAME: ttcrd
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Oct 17 22:00:53 2023
    NAMESPACE: mynamespace
    STATUS: deployed
    Version 2211190.1.0 of the ttcrd chart has been installed.
    This release is named "ttcrd".
    To learn more about the release, try:
      $ helm status ttcrd
      $ helm get all ttcrd
      $ helm history ttcrd
    To rollback to a previous version of the chart, run:
      $ helm rollback ttcrd <REVISION>
        - run 'helm history ttcrd' for a list of revisions.

    The ttcrd release is installed in your namespace.

  3. Confirm the CRDs are defined in your Kubernetes cluster.
     kubectl get crds | grep timesten

    Output.               2023-10-17T22:00:53Z              2023-10-17T22:00:53Z
The TimesTenClassic and TimesTenScaleout CRDs are defined in your Kubernetes cluster.