About the Helm Substitution Engine and Language

Helm has a robust substitution engine and language that lets you specify your own values for variables in a chart's template YAML manifest files. For more information about chart templates, see https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/getting_started/.

For each chart, the TimesTen Operator provides variables specific to the chart. For example, the ttoperator chart has variables and default values specific to the TimesTen Operator deployment. Similarly, the ttclassic chart has variables and default values specific to the deployment of an active standby pair of TimesTen Classic databases. You can change the default values for the provided variables.

You can define variables and values for those variables either on the helm command line or by providing a YAML file with the values. The values may be strings, lists, arbitrary YAML, or entire files.

For information about the variables for the TimesTen-specific Helm charts, see Helm Charts for the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator.