About Creating ServiceMonitor Objects

By default, if the Prometheus Operator is installed in your Kubernetes cluster, the TimesTen Operator attempts to create a Kubernetes ServiceMonitor object called timesten-operator. This object includes the information needed by Prometheus to configure the TimesTen Operator as a scrape target. If installed in your cluster, the Prometheus Operator responds to the creation of this object by editing the Prometheus configuration files to scrape metrics from the corresponding Service. For more information about ServiceMonitor objects, see https://prometheus-operator.dev/docs/operator/design/#servicemonitor.

A ServiceMonitor object created by the TimesTen Operator has an owner reference to the appropriate TimesTen Operator deployment. This ensures that the ServiceMonitor object is automatically deleted if the TimesTen Operator deployment is deleted.

The CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR environment variable determines if the TimesTen Operator creates a ServiceMonitor object. If you do not want the TimesTen Operator to create a ServiceMonitor object, then set CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR to "0" in your operator.yaml YAML manifest file..