About the TimesTen Kubernetes Operator's Metrics Service

The TimesTen Operator always makes metrics available. However, you can limit access to the TimesTen Operator's /metrics endpoint. By default, the TimesTen Operator's /metrics endpoint is available to other Pods in the Kubernetes cluster. Specifically, the TimesTen Operator automatically creates a Kubernetes Service called timesten-operator. This Service exposes the metrics port in the active TimesTen Operator Pod to the rest of the cluster at timesten-operator.mynamespace.svc.cluster.local:8080/metrics (where mynamespace is the name of your namespace).

If you choose not to expose TimesTen Operator metrics outside of the TimesTen Operator's Pods, set the EXPOSE_METRICS environment variable to "0" in your operator.yaml YAML manifest file. In this case, the metrics port is not exposed by a Kubernetes Service. (You could still fetch metrics by using the kubectl exec command to run curl or a similar tool within the TimesTen Operator Pod itself.)

If you set the EXPOSE_METRICS environment variable to "0" and the CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR environment variable is set to "1" (default), the CREATE_SERVICEMONITOR environment variable is treated as though it was set to "0".

In addition, if you set the EXPOSE_METRICS environment variable to "0", the value of the METRICS_SCHEME environment variable is ignored and http is always used.